Merry Christmas From New Frontiers Marketing!

Merry Christmas from everyone here at New Frontiers Marketing!
It's been a while since we last published an update on what we're working on and how our business is progressing, so with the holiday season now imminent, we thought it would be the perfect time to fill you all in on our latest news.
The past few months have been very busy and very exciting for us, as we have both expanded our team, and begun working with several new clients.
Due to our growing workload, a slight shift in our internal processes, and the type of work we needed to do, hiring new people was an essential part of our growth during the second half of 2019.
We took on a very talented writer named Jessica to help create (among other things) SEO focused, keyword-based content for clients' websites, and also some more in-depth, highly researched blog content for them, which we then promoted far and wide online, to generate substantial numbers of new backlinks and social shares; both of which are great for SEO and improving website rankings.
Here are a couple of examples of the kind of work she had produced for us over this time; one of the following pages is a list-based blog post of the kind that often proves popular, while the other is a piece of keyword-focused content that was created according to the specific structure which gives content the best possible chance to rank high in Google's search results:
Jessica has done a wonderful job so far, and this has helped to reinforce a belief I've held for several years now - namely, that business owners too often look at payroll costs as being an expense, as opposed to an investment which brings the business substantial returns, that could not have been acquired in any other way.
Looking Forward to 2020
There's no doubt we were very blessed in 2019, and 2020 looks to have several exciting projects on the horizon already.
We have a couple of new clients all set to sign up, but as we don't believe in counting our chickens before they hatch, we're not going to elaborate more on this until everything is official.
There are exciting developments in other ways afoot too.
For example, in the last quarter of 2019, we started working with a fantastic new, business-focused magazine called Quay Magazine.
After starting off as a South Devon focused enterprise, the magazine has expanded in scope significantly, in rapid time.
Despite only publishing its first issue in November 2019, Quay Magazine will be launching in Cornwall and Plymouth in early 2020, with the potential for national distribution in the latter part of the year hanging tantalisingly in the air...
No matter how things turn out on this front, Quay Magazine has been a very exciting project to work on, and having been involved from an early stage, it's been highly rewarding for us see the magazine evolve from being merely a good idea, into a finished product, which is already being read (and enjoyed) by thousands of business owners, with many, many more to follow.
We are also likely to be expanding our team further in the coming year, which is something else we're already looking forward to.
All things going well, we should be bringing you lots of exciting news about this and other things, from early 2020 and beyond!
Wishing you and your loved ones all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
New Frontiers Marketing
