Infographic: The Value of Google Positioning
Often, when discussing my SEO services with potential (and current) clients, I find it's very helpful to have statistics on hand to demonstrate to them why search engine optimisation is so valuable, and to show how lucrative it can be to rank in the top few positions in Google's search results for certain keywords.
To this end, I frequently refer people to this study by Chitika, which clearly outlines how important it is to rank as high up in Google as you can, given that so much of the search engine traffic goes to the websites ranking in the top few positions.
Some key takeaways from this study include:
Almost 1/3 of traffic goes to the website ranking in position 1 of the Google search results
Over 50% of traffic goes to the websites ranking in the top 2 positions of the Google search results
Almost 2/3 of traffic goes to the websites ranking in the top 3 positions of the Google search results
Websites that are not on the first page of the Google search results for a keyword will receive less than 1% of the search traffic for that keyword, each
Because of how useful I consider this study to be, and because of how, over recent years, infographics have emerged as perhaps the primary and most effective way to communicate data in an easily digestible format, I decided to present some key statistics from the study in an infographic of my own creation, overlaid on an example set of search results.
I'm certainly no graphic designer, but through using Design Wizard, I've managed to come up with something I'm pretty happy with.
Check it out below:
